作者:作者:m.jsdongge.com.cn 編輯:中國廚房設備網
波蘭羅茲經濟特區副總裁Marek Pyka
Marek Pyka-波蘭羅茲經濟特區副總裁。羅茲市前任副市長,羅茲自來水及污水管理公司董事長。曾擔任羅茲地區商會會長,波蘭國家水資源管理委員會委員。
Marek Pyka– Vice-President of the Board of Lodz Special Economic Zone in Poland. Former Deputy Mayor of the City of Lodz and President of the City Water&Sewage Management Plant in Lodz. Also former President of the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Lodz and member of the Council in the Polish National Chamber of Water Management.
He has been engaged in works for the economic development of the Lodzkie Province as a member of the Regional Parliament and member of the City of Lodz Council.
Graduate of the University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology. Speaks English.
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