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Create DCR Cummins Inc Corporate Offices Building Box 3005, 500 Jackson St. Columbus, IN 47201 For Reference Only. Not Valid if Printed. THIS document ConTAINS ConFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Its use is restricted to employees with a need to know and third parties with a need to know and who have signed a non-disclosure agreement. Policies and Procedures Title: Chemical Hazards and Site-Related Prohibited Substances Doc Number CORP-09-03-06-01 Revision: 12 Department: Environmental Purchasing Safety Area: World Wide Approved & Released Policies and Procedures Implementation Date: 2018-01-24 Type of document: Process Management Review Period - 365 Days 1.0 Purpose: 1.1 To promote evaluation, control and communication of health, safety and environmental hazards related to chemicals in the workplace and to provide a standard for limiting occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals 2.0 Scope: 2.1 This document applies to all Cummins Inc. organizations including subsidiaries, joint ventures, other alliances or partnerships, and company owned distributors in which Cummins has a controlling interest or management responsibility. 2.2 The words "shall" and "must" in this document indicate mandatory requirements. The word "should" indicates a preferred approach. Organizations choosing other approaches must be able to show that their approaches meet the intent of the Total Quality System (TQS). The word "notes" is used to provide guidance or additional explanation. 3.0 Reference: 1. US OSHA 29 CFR Occupational Health and Safety Standards, Toxic and Hazardous Substances, 1910.1200 Hazard Communication. 2. The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), United Nations. 3. Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for Authorization/SVHC (ECHA - European Chemical Agency/REACH (Registration, evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals). 4. Report on Cancer, National Toxicology Program (NTP), US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington DC. 5. Substance Monographs, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), World Health Organization (WHO), Lyons France 6. Criteria documents, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 7. US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Office of Toxic Substances, Substance Registry Service (US EPA Substance Registry Service) 8. Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary (Latest Edition) 4.0 Definitions: Chemical Any element, compound or mixture of elements and/or compounds. Chemical manufacturer An organization which manufactures or prepares chemicals for use or distribution. Corporate Sponsored Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Management System The designated system all Cummins sites are required to use to manage site SDS inventories and manage chemical approval process. Intentional Occurrence The presence of a substance in a product listed on the Cummins List of Prohibited Chemicals at greater than or equal to 0.1% by weight (see Appendix 1). Employee A person who is directly employed by an entity in which Cummins has a controlling interest or management responsibility or who is directly employed by a contractor or supplier and has been engaged to perform work at a Cummins controlled or managed site or facility. Hazardous chemical or substance Any chemical substance which, if improperly handled, can pose a threat or be damaging to the health and well being of a person or the environment. Health hazard A chemical for which there is statistically significant evidence based on at least one study conducted in accordance with established scientific principles that acute or chronic health effects may occur in exposed employees (e.g. toxicity, corrosion, irritation, sensitization, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, target organ toxicity and aspiration toxicity). Labels (Warning) Any written, printed or graphic material displayed on or affixed to containers of hazardous chemicals. A primary label is affixed to the original container by the manufacturer or distributor of the product. A secondary label is attached or affixed by site personnel to a non-original (secondary) container (typically smaller than the original container). Laboratory Use Means handling or use in which the following conditions are met; chemical manipulations are conducted on a laboratory scale (small quantities are typically handled by one person); procedures are not part of or support a production process or simulate a production process; and protective laboratory practices and equipment are available and in common use to minimize the potential for employee exposure to hazardous chemicals. Material(s) Chemical elements, chemical compounds or preparations thereof in finished state used in the workplace or to manufacture products/articles. Physical hazard A chemical for which there is scientifically valid evidence that it is a combustible liquid, a compressed gas, explosive, flammable, an organic peroxide, an oxidizer, pyrophoric, unstable (reactive) or water-reactive. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) A document prepared by a manufacturer describing in specific detail health, safety and environmental related information pertaining to a product either a mixture or pure substance. At present, the label format must follow the 16 Section Global Harmonization System requirements. Unintentional Occurrence (Trace) A substance or substances contained in a product utilized in the workplace not intentionally added to the formulation (less than 0.1% by weight). 5.0 Policy Statements/Statement of Work: 5.1 Management Responsibilities 5.1.1 Business Unit Safety Functional Excellence Leaders (SFELs) · Support the implementation and use of the Corporate sponsored SDS Management System across the business unit. 5.1.2 Site HSE Manager Ensure policies, procedures and management systems are developed and implemented to comply with applicable government, corporate and other requirements. These responsibilities may include: · Develop and implement a written chemical management procedure that ensures the accuracy of site SDS inventory, implements a chemical approval process and identifies groups of site employees who receive appropriate training as described in paragraph 5.2.5. · Ensure site is utilizing and managing SDS inventory with the corporate sponsored SDS management tool. · Identify at least two (2) site individuals as Administrators to manage SDSs within the Corporate sponsored SDS Management System. NOTE: DBU regional organizations may take an approach compatible with current HSE management structure to develop regional procedures and identification of Administrators. 5.1.3 Corporate Health and Safety Maintain and update the policy as needed including Appendix 1. Primary contact with SDS Management Tool vendor. Mange related documents Generate and distribute biannual Prohibited Substances Report to BU SFELs. 5.2 General Requirements Site (or where applicable Regional) HSE Leader shall: 5.2.1 Safety Data Sheet Management Cummins sites shall utilize the Corporate-sponsored SDS management system to manage site SDS inventories, implement a chemical approval process, and monitor prohibited substances. 5.2.2 Site Chemical Safety Program Develop, implement and maintain a written site-specific chemical safety program. The program shall include these basic elements: · Identification of a site-specific chemical hazard identification and assessment process including Management of Change · Identification and location of the site SDS inventory · Establishment and delivery of employee chemical safety training and associated hazards awareness to all new and existing employees, contractors, or visitors (if applicable). · Definition of roles and responsibilities for other functions. · Definition of a process for hazardous materials labeling, transport, storage and disposal. · Communication process for employees potentially exposed to chemical hazards associated with routine and non-routine task. · Method for ensuring employee understanding of actions required in the event there is a chemical emergency. 5.2.3 Warning Labels All chemical products must have the manufacturer's primary label affixed to the original container that complies with the country-specific labelling requirements and are maintained in a legible condition. At minimum, the label must comply with the Global Harmonization Standards (GHS) or a country-specific GHS variant. Secondary labels attached or affixed to containers other than the manufacturer's original container, bulk storage tanks, pipes, etc. must also be labelled with appropriate health and safety information. (1) NOTE: (1): GHS or Hazardous Materials Information System (HMIS) are acceptable label systems for secondary containers used by workers. Implementation must meet country-specific requirements to ensure workers understand the chosen system. For other types of containment vessels a more limited label systems may be acceptable such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Hazard Identification System (NFPA 704). 5.2.4 Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Utilize the Corporate SDS Management system to manage site-specific SDS inventory. As a minimum, SDS documents shall list chemical ingredients conforming to the current GHS requirements. Ensure that proprietary information and chemical ingredient confidentiality is maintained as applicable. Maintain records as required by local regulations and corporate procedure (CORP-07-11-00-00 Record Retention). 5.2.5 Employee Training Ensure that employee training shall at minimum meet local regulatory requirements. Training shall include, but is not limited to: · The requirements of the written chemical safety program · Any operation in their work area involving the presence of hazardous substances, including the identification of physical and health hazards · The location and availability of the written chemical safety program, the chemical inventory, and method to locate and obtain SDS documents. · Detailed explanation of warning labels used by the site to communicate chemical hazards to employees. · Methods to detect the presence or release of hazardous substances in the work area. · Measures employees should take to protect themselves from exposures, including appropriate work practices, engineering controls, emergency procedures, and use of personal protective equipment. Be conducted upon initial assignment, reassignment and whenever a new chemical is introduced and prior to the use of the chemical. 5.2.6 Emergency Preparedness Develop a process for notification of internal/external emergency response personnel of the site's chemical inventory, associated hazards and provisions of the emergency preparedness plan. Ensure that the staff provides chemical information to the emergency response team and the treating medical facility in any situation where there is a known or suspected employee exposure to hazardous chemicals 5.2.7 Chemical Approval and Control Utilize the Chemical Approval Module workflow within the Corporate Sponsored SDS Management tool along with either a site-specific approval form or the Cummins generic chemical approval. Comply with government regulations and/or local requirements relative to controlling hazardous chemical exposures. Ensure not to procure or deliberately use (intentional occurrence) within a site manufacturing process or service task a specific substances or product containing one or more of the prohibited chemicals listed in Appendix 1. For this procedure, prohibited chemicals within a processes or for a service task are not intended to include those incorporated into or otherwise part of manufactured goods. NOTE 1: Laboratory Use Exception. Under certain circumstances a standard laboratory method to prepare an environmental sample for analysis may require use of a prohibited substance (solvent, reagent, etc.). Laboratory use of a prohibited substance (Appendix 1) will be allowed, however, approval is required by following the process described in paragraph 6.4. NOTE 2: The requirement also applies to products that may be used to maintain process or facility equipment and materials used to remodel or construct a facility. 6.0 Special Circumstances: 1. 6.1 Cummins Site-Related Prohibited Substances List, Appendix 1. The listed substances whether in pure form or formulated in a product at greater than or equal to 0.1% (>=0.1%) by weight are not to be used at Cummins sites. These substances possess certain characteristics which may pose a risk to employee’s health (cause cancer for example), in some instances are highly regulated by a government agency (chlorinated solvents) or a country has imposed an outright ban due to special risks (asbestos for example). 6.2 Trace Exception. Sites may utilize products containing an Appendix 1 Substance if the concentration is less than 0.1% (<0.1%) by weight. These concentrations are generally accepted considered as trace amounts and pose minimal risk. 6.3 Specific Product Exceptions. Below are a list of "Blanket" exceptions to Prohibited Substances Appendix 1. These products can be used without seeking an exception as described below (6.4): · Lead Acid Batteries. These batteries contain lead well above trace but pose no exposure risk as these are sealed devices. · Benzene in Refined Petroleum Products. Refined petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel, lubricants, and oils) may contain benzene above trace due to inherent limitation of the refining process. · Formaldehyde in Filtration Material. Current filtration media releases formaldehyde gas due to decomposition of the binder. 6.4 Corporate Prohibited Substances Exceptions. A process is available to submit a formal request to continue to use a specific chemical or a product formulated with a Prohibited Substance. The Exception form is available in the Corporate Sponsored SDS Management including a description of the process. 6.5 Management Process, Appendix 1 Substances. The substances listed in Appendix 1 have been scrutinized for Cummins relevance. Specifically, substances must be relevant to Cummins manufacturing or service operations and have been evaluated/classified by one or more of the two primary sources (NTP* and IARC**) as a human carcinogen. In addition, other sources may be consulted such as a government agency or other regulatory body such as ECHA. Appendix 1 spreadsheet will be updated as necessary and changes communicated to the organization via the corporate document manage system. *NTP: Known To be a Human Carcinogen;**IARC: Group 1 Carcinogenic to Humans 6.6 Biannual Prohibited Substances Report. Corporate Health and Safety will generate and distribute a report identifying sites utilizing specific products containing prohibited substances above trace percentages. The report will be distributed to business unit HSE Management. NOTE: Sites may also run a site-specific report anytime within the SDS management system. Details may be found within the Corporate sponsored SDS Management System tool. 6.7 Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS). Refer to CORP 08-04-02-00 for guidance on ODS management. 6.8 Cummins prohibits the use of any chlorinated solvent, which are primarily used for degreasing, paint removal, and similar surface preparation operations. Examples include tetrachloroethylene (PERC), methylene chloride, carbon tetrachloride and 1,1,1-trichloroethane. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of chlorinated solvents, but instead, serves only as examples of the more common types used in industry. If there are questions about the applicability of this restriction to a product that it being used, the site shall contact the Corporate Facilities and Operations Environment Management team for clarification. 7.0 Measures of Performance: NA 8.0 Appendices: Appendix 1: Cummins Site-Related Prohibited Substances List: Appendix 1 Cummins Site Related Prohibited Substances List.xlsx 9.0 Safety & Environmental Information: None 10.0 Associated documents: ? ? CORP-09-10-00-00 -- Cummins Safety System Operational Controls CORP-00-08-02-00 -- Use of Allowable Substances with Restrictions Policy CORP-00-08-01-00 -- Prohibited Substances Policy CORP-00-08-01-02 -- Restrictions on Lead Content Justification and Implementation CORP-00-08-01-01 -- Restrictions on Lead Content Policy CORP-08-07-03-00 -- Shipping of Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods CORP-08-07-05-00 -- Management of Change 11.0 document Revision History: Revision: 12 Date Created: 2001-06-19 Date of Last Revision: 2018-01- 24 Last Approval Date: 2018-01-24 document Author: Mark J Bishop document Manager: Kelli R Smith 12.0 Reason for Change: Revision: Sec/Para Changed Change Made: Date 0 N/A Initial Issue of document in QSI 08/28/01 1 5.4 Entire section added. 04/22/05 2 5.4.5 document audited Added doc reference to the excel document attachment footer 5/31/06 12/06/06 3 10.0 13.0 Added reference to CORP-09-10-00-00 Added Corp.Environmental.Procedure mail group 4/4/07 5/15/2007 4 5.4 5.4.5 10 General update review Added chemical 1,1,1 tricloroethane (TCA) per request of Environmental Director. TCA was phased out in USA since 1996 due damages to ozone layer. It also poses health effects. Update approvers Update approval process for banned substances, include the material request and approval process set in Dolphin system Update associated documents 09/24/2009 5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 Title modification from "Hazardous Chemical Communication (Right to Know)" Added references Added/updated definitions Title/headings organization Industrial Hygiene component Included link to "Requirements for Supplier MSDS" file Added minimum MSDS revision period of 5 years Requirement for site chemical approval process "Phase out plan" and "final date of use" requirement Exception for "unintentional occurrence" of prohibited chemicals in the workplace Exception for benzene, formaldehyde and lead in specific situations Added Appendix 1 for list of prohibited chemicals (relocated 11/04/2010 14.0 from section 5.0) Updated list of prohibited chemicals with category, potential uses or existence and risk Added approver: Ignacio Garcia 6 3.0 5.0 8.0 Added reference: ECHA Addition of chemicals scheduled for prohibition (restricted) based on substances of very high concern from REACH. Section added. Effective phase out date July 01, 2013. Added Appendix 2 for restricted chemicals 06/09/2011 7. 3.0 4.0 4.0 6.1 6.2 6.5 (New) 6.6 (New) Appendix C (New) 14.0 Added NTP, NIOSH Criteria documents and IARC Added Definition Laboratory Use Modified definitions of Intentional Occurrence and Unintentional Occurrence Modified paragraph and added Laboratory Use Exemption note Modified paragraph (clarification) Modified paragraph (clarification) Modified paragraph (clarification) Statement regarding ability to remove a substance listed on the Cummins imposed Prohibited Substance List Added statement regarding prohibition of halogenated substances (organic chlorine, fluorine and bromine) Short procedure to designate a particular product containing a trace (previously no procedure available). Deleted Jim Lyons from Approver List 1/23/2013 8 Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 6.2 13.0 Notification List Delete "Prohibited ...." Table in Appendix 1, replace with new spreadsheet titled Consolidated Prohibited Substances List Delete Content/Table and rename, move Appendix 3 WORD document Delete entirely Delete entirely, references Appendix 2 table, see above Change from Appendix 8.3 to Appendix 2 Added Corp.Indirect.Purchasing.Global per DCR, dated May 2013 submitted by Dolores Krome 7/20/2013 9 Appendix 1 (Spreadsheet) Boric Acid; added alternative CAS# 11113-50-1 Disodium tetraborate anhydrous; incorrect CAS#, changed to1330-43-4 Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate: added to the list with CAS# 12179-04-3 Disodium tetraborate decahydrate: added to the list with CAS# 1303-96-4 Replaced entire document 9/11/2013 10 Title Change 3.0 References 4.0 Definitions Slight Title Change Chemical Hazards & Site-Related Prohibited Substances Removed two references since these sources did not appear to have been used to construct the original lists (GADSL and Volvo Black). Added two (2) references for general chemical information (US EPA Substance Registry Search and Hawley's Chemical Dictionary. Replaced MSDS with SDS (same definition but now MSDS has been replaced in the US with the GHS designation) 11/11/2014 5.2.2 Warning Labeling 6.1 Cummins Site Prohibited Substances List, Appendix 1 6.2 Trace Exceptions 6.3 Special Product Exceptions 6.4 C-MRAP 6.5 Management Process, Appendix 1 Substances 6.6 Site Compliance Audits 6.7 Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) Appendix 1 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Remove reference to NFPA (fire-fighting only) and OSHA/ANSI (now GHS) Removed hyperlink to SDS Vendor Requirements. Created Appendix 5 link. Added service task (to ensure inclusion of DBU site work) and note regarding applicability to facility maintenance and construction. Remove reference to MRAP and directed to revised section 6.4 Re-titled section and added rationale for substances on list. Minor grammatical changes. Removed lead solder which was previously listed. All others remain the same. Brief description of process requirements (See Appendix 3) and renamed MRAP to C-MRAP (no changes). Describes criteria used to screen substances and identifies three main sources of information (NTP, IARC, and REACH/SVHC). New to policy. This will be part of 6S project Control Plan. Site chemical lists will be surveyed either through Dolphin database or random selection of New section regarding ozone depleting substances. Cummins Site List of Prohibited Substances, updated and revised. Now spreadsheet with active source links. Corporate MRAP Instructions. This was an existing document and now is referenced in the policy policy and document updated (linked to SFEL database) Process Flow Map, two (2) pages Vendor SDS Requirements 11 Appendix 1 through 5 documents attached to policy rather than linked to SFEL database. Some individuals are unable to access the SFEL database.. No changes to the documents were made. 2/1/2015 12 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.2.1 6.2 and 6.3 6.4 6.6 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.8 Appendix 2,3,4,5 Added reference to SFEL support Identified site HSE Manager responsibilities. Removed reference to a competent person. Listed Corporate Health and Safety responsibilities Added statement that the corporate-sponsored SDS management system is now a requirement to manage SDSs and implement a chemical approval process. Modified the original statement; As a minimum, SDS documents shall list chemical ingredients conforming to current GHS requirements. Requires utilization of Chemical Approval Module workflow embedded in the Corporate sponsored SDS management system. Removed reference to legacy SDS management system (Dolphin). Removed reference to Dolphin/MRAP. Identified Corp- sponsored SDS management system to request exceptions including a description of the process and submittal form. Entire section modified. Eliminated the detailed site compliance audit and replaced with twice-annual Prohibited Substances report. Added requirement for affected sites to respond to thee report. Removed Removed Added. Now prohibit a large class of organic solvent (halogens) per Environmental Management request. Eliminated 11/28/2017 13.0 Notification List 14.0 Approvals: First Approver's Signature Name: Michelle Garner-Janna/Auto/Cummins Title: Director - Corporate Safety and Health Jan 23, 2018 09:04:46 AM CET - Approved by: Sylvie Dore/Corp/Cummins. System authorized backup for: Michelle Garner- Janna Second Approver's Signature Name: Alan J Resnik/Auto/Cummins Title: Director - Corporate Environmental Management Jan 24, 2018 11:53:29 AM EST - Approved by: Alan J Resnik/Auto/Cummins Third Approver's Signature Name: Ilona Bissmann/Ind/Cummins Title: Corporate HSEMS Enterprise Manager Jan 24, 2018 01:48:17 PM EST - Approved by: Ilona Bissmann/Ind/Cummins document History Section

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