Follett 全球領導設計制造制冰機知名品牌
Follett Europe was founded in 2005 with the completion of a state-of-the-art facility near Gdansk, Poland. The facility is a high-quality manufacturer of the Follett-brand ice management products as well as stainless steel kitchen equipment.
Follett Europe's success has continued to this day with a major expansion completed in 2012. The expansion adds capabilities to Follett Europe as well as doubles the facility's size.
Follett Corporation was established in 1948 and has led the industry in designing and manufacturing high quality, innovative ice storage bins and ice storage and transport systems. This tradition of quality and innovation in manufacturing these products continues in Gdansk today.
Adding to the capabilities of Follett Corporation, we offer stainless steel kitchen equipment systems exclusively out of the Gdansk facility for multi-unit chains in Europe. Our design and manufacturing teams came to Follett with decades of industry experience and knowledge. We are able to provide our clients with a full range of services from design and fabrication to installation and start-up. Follett's use of the latest software and 3D modeling allows us to design kitchen systems that meet the unique requirements of multi-unit chains. Our software also allows for a quick conversion to our production machinery programs, allowing us to respond quickly to our clients' needs.
We trust you will find our website useful. Please contact us with your questions and interest. We look forward to helping you.
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