GM Security specializes in the development, manufacture and marketing of state-of-the-art INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEMS for the protection of strategic assets in a wide range of civilian, industrial and military applications.
GM Security has developed innovative and highly reliable technology that provides cost-effective INDOOR and OUTDOOR perimeter security solutions to the end-user.
GM's INDOOR OUTDOOR MULTI-FUNCTION SENSOR protects installations requiring integrated security of indoor as well as outdoor facilities of the same protected site. The versatility of the sensor technology and capability enables the protection of a wide range of applications including:
Bank Vaults and Safe Rooms
Electricity, Water and Gas infrastructure
Solar Power infrastructure
Cellular Antenna Sites
Energy facilities
Industrial Warehouses
Private Houses
Airport Perimeter
It is the ability to match customer requirements with the appropriate technology that differentiates GM from other suppliers in the field.
GM's E-Fence Electric Fencing System uses digital adaptive technology to monitor the high and low voltage electric fencing wires installed on existing fences, walls or as stand-alone systems.
GM's DUALCOMM and SecurCOMM Communication and Monitoring Systems are used to integrate the alarm signals from the intrusion detection systems to provide complete security solutions.
GM's technologies provide advanced security solutions to the end-user, matching the growing worldwide demand for security with the customer's security requirements.
Supplying System Integrators installing integrated turnkey projects and Security Product Distributors, GM is actively looking to expand their International Distributor Network.
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